Mutrah Redevelopment Master Plan


The Project Area of the MRMP includes old Mutrah, extending to Riyam but excluding the Port Sultan Qaboos, and including the more recent development areas along Al Mina Street and adjacent to Bait Al Falaj Street.

The MRMP was carried out in two stages. The first stage included data collection, the identification of problems and opportunities in the Project Area, the development of a Vision and preliminary concepts, policies and proposals.

Major outputs included a Land Use Strategy, preliminary concepts for the upgrade of all utility services, and proposals for key interventions in two Action Areas. A series of Working Papers, that summarised the research and analyses conducted, was prepared during this Stage. Stage 1 reporting comprised three volumes, with Vol 3 – Policies and Proposals containing the primary conclusions and directions for the Plan.

After a client review of these outputs, Stage 2 focussed on a refinement of the proposals and the detailing of the program and arrangements for the implementation of the Master Plan.

The final document summarises the main outputs from both stages of the project. Other key Stage 2 outputs include Working Papers on the Action Areas, Infrastructure, Implementation, Sustainability and Cultural Heritage, among others. Supporting Working Papers cover information on the scope of future Environmental Impact Assessments, a draft RFP for the infrastructure works and a User Guide.

Key concepts

Project data

Internal Project Number
Project Title Mutrah Redevelopment Master Plan
Project Category Urban Planning
Fields of Expertise Urban Planning
Participating Offices NORPLAN Oman, Asplan Viak Sandvika, Oslo, Stavanger, Trondheim
Deliverables Redevelopment Master Plan
Project Duration 2011–2013
Size of Project Area 473 haa
Project Location Muscat Governorate, Sultanate of Oman
NORPLAN Contact Person Tor Gunnar Øverli
Client Muscat Municipality, Haya Water
Client Contact Person Eng. Al Tayeb Al Harthy, Director of Technical Studies, Muscat Municipality
Cooperating Partners WSP Middle East, German University of Technology in Oman / GUTech)
Awards N/A
Project Value USD ?



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